What up water homies

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by jckiser23
image showing What up water homies

dariohanon on August 4th, 2020 at 23:20 UTC »

They don't even do that

metalissa90 on August 4th, 2020 at 23:35 UTC »

Popularity in bottles water grew from the distrust of local municipalities but municipal water is more strictly regulated by the EPA under the clean water act. Bottled water is marked up 2000x more and people think “it’s safer” but it’s only regulated as a standard food product by the FDA. And it’s mostly tap water anyway.

tragedyfish on August 5th, 2020 at 00:05 UTC »

Most "bottled water companies" are beverage (soda) manufacturers. And the major ones definitely do purify their water. This is not to produce safer or better tasting water, it's done to prepare the water for their beverages. Pure water, typically produced through reverse osmosis, is very solvent. While tap water has a significant amount of dissolved ions in it, making it less solvent. By using purified water, the sugars and salts that beverage companies add readily dissolve, making the mixing process easier. Since they are already producing large quantities of purified water, it is a simple matter to bottle and sell this water as well. Plus they get to use the word 'purified' as a selling point.