Raise men who stand on their own

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Kelmo7
image showing Raise men who stand on their own

cmonmaan on July 31st, 2020 at 00:10 UTC »

A lot of families have unhealthy dynamics between parents and kids. Good on this woman for putting forth the intention to raise a healthy, independent son.

xtian7 on July 31st, 2020 at 01:10 UTC »

Completely agree. We choose to have kids. They didn’t choose us. Let’em live their life

owleealeckza on July 31st, 2020 at 02:26 UTC »

My mom chose to spend her entire life mistreating me yet always speaking about how I would have to house her when she got old. I tried to repair our relationship despite the fact that she told me to "get over" the abuse. Well last year she decided to say some racist shit & now September will be a year since I blocked her out of my life. Treat your children right, love them, nurture them, & never ever tell them that they are required to take care of you when you age. My mom spent so much time telling me how she had me so someone would love her, how she wanted to make a "brown" baby, how she wanted everyone to be jealous of her baby. I only exist because of how truly selfish she was, it has taken a lot for me to no longer feel like I'm a build a baby created by an insecure woman.