Shoutout to the woman who dragged bRaN tHe bRoKeN everywhere for 3 seasons only to never be mentioned again

Image from and submitted by ofkkx
image showing Shoutout to the woman who dragged bRaN tHe bRoKeN everywhere for 3 seasons only to never be mentioned again

Brandon-the-Broken on July 23rd, 2020 at 19:22 UTC »

They really butchered her character. She said she needed to go home to be with her family but the Reed’s are bannerman to the Starks. Despite all the constant chatter about how the Reeds are loyal to the Starks and how Howland was one of Ned’s most reliable friends, they didn’t show up to fight at Winterfell. D&D are such bastards to destroy one of the most intriguing families.

TheLazySith on July 23rd, 2020 at 19:53 UTC »

I can't believe she just fucked off never to be seen again. She was a major character since season 3, was one of the few characters to actually kill a white walker and was close with Bran.

Then she just vanished never to be mentioned again. Shouldn't she have shown up to help fight the dead? The reeds were house Stark bannermen after all.

It just makes the whole thing about Bran having the best story even more absurd, his story is boring, he never does anything significant, he wasn't even in season 5 and the one other surviving character from his story just vanishes and is never mentioned again.

rawboudin on July 23rd, 2020 at 20:24 UTC »

They just made Bran an uninteresting, unlikable character. And not a good unlikable character like Cersei, or Ramsay or whatever.

He's basically a cheap character like that pirate which I can't be bothered to remember the fucking name.