Finally switched plates after too many years of ignorance.

Image from and submitted by Mongo_Fifty
image showing Finally switched plates after too many years of ignorance.

makethe-noisesstop on July 17th, 2020 at 12:07 UTC »

Ming dynasty will rise again

giant_albatrocity on July 17th, 2020 at 13:33 UTC »

I grew up in a very racist environment, but didn't realize how wrong it was until I was a teenager. When I tell people this story, it's like they still see me as broken, or tainted by my past and there's no appreciation for the growth I've made. So let me extend to you, my friend, love and appreciation for your growth. You are a good human.

cola41 on July 17th, 2020 at 14:04 UTC »

My Jewish neighbour has a nazi flag hanging inside his house one he stole at the end of the war from the concentration camp he was in. Its all ripped up its kinda cool he says he has his coffee in front of it everyday.

Edit: Some times its not coffee and is alcohol.