Deserves More Recognition.

Image from and submitted by MamasMilkFactory
image showing Deserves More Recognition.

couchjitsu on July 3rd, 2020 at 16:07 UTC »

Probably 10 years ago we had one in our trash can that scared me to death when I went to throw a bag in. He was stuck. He couldn't climb out.

Wife called the humane society and they said to just knock the can over and he'd run away, and to not worry about rabies because it was such a low low risk.

Ever since then, I've looked at them differently. In fact, after learning about the tick thing I've been wondering if I could set up a possum farm near our cabin.

TemporarilyDutch on July 3rd, 2020 at 16:18 UTC »

Wait.... for real? They eat ticks? We should be breeding millions of these guys!

van-nostrand-md on July 3rd, 2020 at 16:38 UTC »

They are the bros of nature. They eat pests, they are not aggressive, they don’t carry rabies, and they just want to do their nocturnal thing and be on their way.

Meanwhile raccoons are branded as cute but they attack, steal, carry rabies, and break into your home through the doggie door.