Bubba Wallace, NASCAR's only black driver, with other teams after a noose was found in his garage

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by jcepiano
image showing Bubba Wallace, NASCAR's only black driver, with other teams after a noose was found in his garage

TooShiftyForYou on June 22nd, 2020 at 20:37 UTC »

Standing alongside Wallace for the national anthem was Richard Petty, the 82-year-old Hall of Fame driver known as "The King.'' Wallace drives the No. 43 Chevrolet for Petty, who issued a scathing rebuke after the noose was found that called for the "sick person'' to be expelled from NASCAR forever -- a move NASCAR president Steve Phelps insisted would happen should they be caught.

Actually a nice show of support here by NASCAR.

DrinkerOfPreggoCum on June 22nd, 2020 at 20:47 UTC »

I’ve never watched a NASCAR race but their handling of things in the last few weeks has made me want to support them.

LetMeClearYourThroat on June 22nd, 2020 at 22:53 UTC »

I helped work security for a NASCAR race as a favor for my neighbor that was the head of security at our local track. [exact location redacted since this blew up]

As most could imagine, the “rollers” as they are called are the most secure areas in the entire property. “Rollers” is slang for the rolling garage doors that house each team’s car and tools, and where the noose was found. The codes to open the rollers is literally the Crown Jewels of security on Saturday night. Only the most privileged trusted people have access to those codes.

To give some perspective, during the late night hours of Saturday before the big race on Sunday, the cash is emptied from the stadium from the Saturday race. There are usually a few hundred thousand dollars in that transport and the exact gate and pickup time by armored truck is very secret for obvious reasons.

The codes to the rollers in the infield as protected 10x more than even the details of the armored truck cash move.

I want people to know that because this isn’t some drunk fan with a funny racist joke. The noose came from deep within NASCAR and/or track security, which makes this stand by other drivers even more powerful. They aren’t standing up against one drunk fan, they’re standing up against the person who did it that is very much on the “trusted” inside.

Edit: I don’t have an opinion on whether this is a Smollett event or conspiracy. I said what I know. Stop bugging me about that.