Karen says while caught stealing from neighbors : ActualPublicFreakouts

Authored by reddit.com and submitted by dramasutra2020
image for Karen says while caught stealing from neighbors : ActualPublicFreakouts

--- A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, or losing their cool. Please remember being weird in public does not inherently merit a freakout. Drugged out or sober, anything goes. Keep the comments respectful, and remember that the individuals depicted in these videos are real people too. Respect in general is a pretty good policy. We sit as close to the line as possible. ----

IktomiLuta on June 19th, 2020 at 19:15 UTC »

Watching this as someone who is Oglala Lakota, I honestly don't understand her argument. Yeah, sage is a sacred and traditional herb to my people, but if she grew up around her supposed culture, she would know that there are rules to picking it. I wouldn't even pick any sage in the city because of the negativity it would be around, but I guess she doesn't know that because she didn't grow up on the reservation and around her supposed people. Truly a Karen, but not indigenous.

SummerShank on June 19th, 2020 at 16:50 UTC »

What an entitled fucking idiot.

Grow your own herbs.

Anomaliafatal on June 19th, 2020 at 16:09 UTC »


That little girl literally said "if you don't like someone picking your plants then go inside". Lmao wtf