Gatekeeping Coffee

Image from and submitted by Johnish63
image showing Gatekeeping Coffee

TheEmperorTyrgils on June 17th, 2020 at 04:11 UTC »

I know quite a few people who would say an Americano is bitch coffee as well.

The circle of gatekeeping continues!

Mittenstk on June 17th, 2020 at 04:11 UTC »

Why do people get a superiority complex over bean water

knicknevin on June 17th, 2020 at 04:14 UTC »

The one on the left is an americano, and it has about 15 calories.

The one on the right isn't an actual drink I've ever encountered in the wild.

I don't understand this picture, but who cares what other people drink? I've never understood coffee snobbery, and I'm a person who drinks those 15 calorie americanos every day. It doesn't make me better/cooler/tougher than anyone else.