Woman protesting police brutality five years ago in Texas.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Pow67
image showing Woman protesting police brutality five years ago in Texas.

alejo699 on May 29th, 2020 at 18:57 UTC »

I mean, right? All these people saying, "He wouldn't have died if he had stopped struggling" -- have you ever had someone kneel on your neck? I challenge you to not struggle when you're pinned like that.

EDIT: To those claiming no one is trying to justify what Chauvin did, dig a little deeper in this thread. A couple of utterly fucked responses:

He could have just not committed a crime in the first place.

You first have to be resisting arrest to get a knee on your neck. I think if you are being arrested, what is the first thing you should do?...don't resist arrest.

Show a weapon get shot. Simple

MobiWanKenobi on May 29th, 2020 at 20:32 UTC »

I mean, even resisting arrest is not reason enough to kill someone, let alone a guy that was already handcuffed.

-FuckConservatives- on May 29th, 2020 at 20:50 UTC »

Here's the thing: Derek didn't act on impulse or react too quick and was blinded in the heat of the moment.

He purposefully knelt on the man's neck for five minutes. People warned him, told him to get off, but he remained there.

In my mind, that's when it went from manslaughter to premeditated murder. He had time to think and decided to kill the man.