A group of black people protecting a cop who got separated from the others

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by impunto
image showing A group of black people protecting a cop who got separated from the others

tocamix90 on May 30th, 2020 at 12:18 UTC »

Reminds me of Die Hard where Samuel Jackson's character protects the cop because he knows it'll just lead to way more violence and trigger happy cops.

EDIT: Yes I meant Die Hard with a Vengeance , good grief.

kriscross122 on May 30th, 2020 at 12:47 UTC »

"Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation."

bluegoodbye on May 30th, 2020 at 12:58 UTC »

This is in Louisville, my hometown.

In March police entered the home of Breonna Taylor, according to the 911 call they didn't identify themselves as police. Breonna's partners fired a gun at the intruders and they fired back 20 times, hitting Taylor 8 times, killing her.

Taylor was an EMT and the cops entered the apartment on a narcotics raid. No charges were brought against the officers who killed Taylor.

Two days ago there were protests about the handling of Taylor's case. Unidentified assailants (no evidence it was cops) opened fire into the crowd, hitting seven people. No one was killed.

Edit: Autocorrect fix from "liked" to "killed."

Someone pointed out a fact I forgot. Taylor's boyfriend fired on the intruders, hitting one officer in the leg. He was charged with attempted murder, but that charge was later dropped.

EDIT: Some people are saying the police had the right apartment because the suspect they were after used to have mail delivered there. I haven't read that. I read the apartment they were supposed to enter was one floor down. I'm going to find a more recent article from a respected news source and update as needed.

EDIT: I've now read a report from NBC News. The 3 officers who entered the apartment stated they knocked and announced themselves. Taylor's boyfriend and her family deny this. The police did in fact enter the correct apartment, so I apologise for the incorrect statement earlier and it's been amended.

The police were searching for a man they already had in custody who lived 10 miles away. They were serving the warrant because Taylor had dated the suspect two years prior but were thought to have remained in contact. No narcotics were found.
