Cart taken for not having a mask. PublicFreakout user posted this looking for support. It's getting crazy downvoted lol. : ActualPublicFreakouts

Authored by and submitted by HannibalK
image for Cart taken for not having a mask. PublicFreakout user posted this looking for support. It's getting crazy downvoted lol. : ActualPublicFreakouts

A subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, or losing their cool. Please remember being weird in public does not inherently merit a freakout. Drugged out or sober, anything goes. Keep the comments respectful where mental disorders are concerned, and remember that the individuals depicted in these videos are real people too. Respect in general is a pretty good policy. We sit as close to the line as possible. ___ A human response is key =) ____

Delco5tar on May 17th, 2020 at 15:26 UTC »

“Cart with all my stuff”

Dumbass, you’re in their store, and you havent even paid yet

flsucks on May 17th, 2020 at 15:17 UTC »

Costco is a membership club and it’s also private property. When you sign up for a membership, you sign the application saying that you agree to follow the rules, which may change at any time:

”Membership is subject to any and all rules adopted by Costco including our privacy policies and practices, and they may be amended from time to time without notice.”

Whether or not this asshole agreed with wearing a mask or not, by having a membership he agreed with the rules and promised to follow them, even though they may change at any time without notice. He then violated that agreement and promise - he doesn’t have a fucking leg to stand on and as a manager I would have kicked him out as well. I don’t give a fuck about your personal opinion when it disagrees with medical science. Entitled assholes going back on agreements that they made is getting fucking old.

DerfBugler on May 17th, 2020 at 14:51 UTC »

Ahhhh yes, the same sheep who wear shirts and shoes in stores the bastards.