Who's your personal favorite?

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by TastyDistrict6
image showing Who's your personal favorite?

BradleyAllan23 on May 6th, 2020 at 04:41 UTC »

Ezio, Edward, Bayek.

I find they're just most likeable and relatable. And the way their personal stories blend with the battle of the assassin's and templars is really well handled.

coyg2387 on May 6th, 2020 at 05:05 UTC »

The elder and much wiser Ezio.

VVulfpack on May 6th, 2020 at 06:24 UTC »

Favorite is a difficult choice, and needs some context:

Who was the best leader of the assassins? - Altair, no question.

Who would I want on my side in a large scale battle? - Connor.

Who would I want to infiltrate an enemy stronghold and kill a high value target? - Ezio.

Who would I most want as a personal friend? - Bayek.

There hasn't been any main character in the AC games that didn't offer something great.