7 Fun Facts About Donald Glover

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Check Out These Facts About Donald Glover

Disney's “live action” remake of thr Lion King is almost upon us, and many critics have given it mixed reviews. Many film experts believe that the doesn't do enough to separate itself from it's animated source material.

That said, the one spot that many critics are satisfied with is the performances by its voice acting cast. And leading the charge of the cast is none other than comedic and musical giant Donald Glover.

Glover has spent the last two decades working as a writer, tv producer, actor, singer, rapper, and music producer. And with his role as the lead of the latest Disney movie, all eyes are on him.

So if you want to know more about the man of the hour, here's 8 facts about Dinald Glover to sink your teeth into.

Donald Glover was born at the Edwards Air Force Base in California. He was then raised as a Johovah's Witness in Stone Mountain, Georgia, which is remembered as the site where the Ku Klux Klan resurfaced in 1951. Glover then spotlighted his home state in his HBO series Atlanta.

When people hear his name, they often think that Donald is related to Lethal Weapon actor Donny Glover. But it turns out, he's not. Donald Glover was born to Donald Sr. and Beverly Glover, and he has no relation to Donny.

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It seems that everyone knew that Donald would become a Comedy writer as a teen, and they were right. At the end of high school, Glover was voted “Most Likely to Write for The Simpsons.” Then at the age of 23, Glover was hired by Tina Fey to write for 30 Rock after he submitted a spec script (a non-commissioned unsolicited screenplay) about The Simpsons.

Later, Glover received a Writers Guild of America Award for Best Comedy Series for his work on 30 Rock's third season. He then went on to star in the comedy Community and hone his comedic skills as an on-camera talent.

Donald Glover used to have the social media handle of @donglover. Unfortunately for him, many people wrongly read this username as Dong Lover instead of Don Glover. Yeah, that’s not so great. So, the actor later changed the name. He now sports the username @donaldglover on Twitter and @childishgambino on Instagram. And honestly, we don’t blame him for the change.

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5. Don & The Wu Tang Clan

Being a true renaissance man, Donald Glover isn't just an actor or a writer. Glover is also a musician too. The star is a celebrated singer, rapper, and music producer who works under the name Childish Gambino. As Childish Gambino, Donald Glover has released three major albums and several mix tapes. This includes one album from 2005 that he no longer claims as he thinks the work was the too-raw ramblings of a “decrepit Drake.”

But how did the name Childish Gambino come to fruition? Donald Glover came up with that rap stage name after visiting a Wu-Tang Clan name generator. Though, he once flirted with the idea of calling himself Bambino X.

While Glover is a world recognized musician at this point, his most celebrated album is his 2013 album, Because the Internet. The album spawned two gold singles titled “Heartbeat” and “3005.”

Merging his multiple talents, Donald Glover also published a 74-page script titled “Because the Internet” around the same time as the album’s release. He did so as a way to expand the story within and behind the album. The script was published on the website beacusetheinter.net.

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Donald Glover's legacy is still evolving by the day. But, one of the biggest efforts by Glover with the longest lasting effect is his influence on the property of Spider-Man.

In 2010, Sony was casting for its second attempt at a Spider-Man fil saga that would become the The Amazing Spider-Man dual feature (unfortunately, the series ended up imploding during/after its second film).

At the time, Glover tweeted his interest in playing the titular role role by writing, “Some people are mistaken. I don't want to just be given the role. I want to be able to audition. I truely love Spider-Man.” His fans then started championed a campaign around the hashtag #donald4spiderman. Unfortunately, Marvel later chose to cast Andrew Garfield for the role.

That said, Marvel Comics and comic book writer Brian Michael Bendis then created Miles Morales, a Black-Latino New York teen who took on the mantle of Spider-Man. That character quickly became a comic book success and was instill in comic book legend, society, and fandom.

When Sony and Disney/Marvel Studios struck up a deal to create a third Spider-man film franchise, some fans called for it to be Miles’ turn, but they decided to stick with Peter Parker. Others also noted how many of Miles’ background ended up being copied by the Tom Holland Spider-man (attending a magnet school, having an Asian best friend who knows his secret, and even a black and red outfit in Spider-Man: Far From Home).

That said, Miles was later spotlighted in the 2018 film “Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, and the movie included a special Easter Egg honoring Glover. Plus, the MCU cast Glover as Miles's uncle in Spider-man: Homecoming.

Donald Glover is a celebrated talent in Hollywood who has rose to stardom in just under 10 years. He quickly gained support and respect from several well-known creatives in the city of angels and continues to impress with his multi-talented resume. And now, the singer, writer, actor can add on voice work for a major motion picture as well.

We here are big fans of Donald Glover and are happy to see him shine as the true multi-faceted creative that he is. And if you are a fan like us, we hope you enjoyed these 7 facts about the magical man himself.

Worsebetter on May 3rd, 2020 at 15:24 UTC »

How In The world do you get a non commissioned unsolicited script to Tina fey?

barath_s on May 3rd, 2020 at 13:57 UTC »

So what I'm hearing is that Donald Glover hasn't actually written for the Simpsons, despite his high school vote.

Even though the Simpsons are still continuing, and he has fair success and has written for other sitcoms.

Privvy_Gaming on May 3rd, 2020 at 13:49 UTC »

Just goes to show how inaccurate these predictions are. I was voted "most likely to be completely average" and I turned out well below average!