[OC] [ART] BookMimic Dice Boxes! Two giveaways: one for reddit, one for instagram :)

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by SuetyFiddle
image showing [OC] [ART] BookMimic Dice Boxes! Two giveaways: one for reddit, one for instagram :)

SuetyFiddle on April 27th, 2020 at 19:02 UTC »

Hi reddit! I'm running a pair of giveaways - one on my IG page and one right here on reddit. You are free to enter both :)

There are two handmade, leather-bound mimic spellbooks up for grabs. Each one holds 5-6 polysets and 2-3 minis, and features real 70million year old shark teeth! The books are designed to lay flat when opened, so that the lid can be used as a rolling tray. They are kept closed using little leather tongues with press studs sewn into the end.

I haven't quite finished the reddit one yet, but he'll have the same internals as the IG one when I'm done (I would wait to post him but I'm impatient. It's a character flaw).

Rules for the instagram draw can be found on this post.

As for reddit, I'll be using https://www.redditraffler.com/ to draw entries. To prevent people creating multiple accounts for the purpose of nabbing extra entries, accounts must be at least a week old to qualify. If you'd like to enter, just comment right here on the post itself (comment replies aren't counted) and you'll automatically be included in the drawing. I'll draw a winner ~36hrs from now :)

Edit: please upvote this comment so that it stays on top and people can see the rules. Thanks!

Edit again: I am based in the UK, but I'll be covering tracked shipping, worldwide. The only limitation is that your country has to be accepting post. As of right now, the US is still open. You can check other countries here.

Edit again, since people have been asking: I am not currently taking commissions. I ran a kickstarter in January and I want to fulfill all the pledges for that first. I am hoping to reopen my store in a month or so, for other mimic-themed goodies, dice bags, etc. Following my instagram account is the best way to keep up to date, as I'm most active there.Thank you so much for all the lovely comments so far :) Flattery will not affect your chances of winning but it does make me feel good.

Edit the 4th: ok it's pretty late over here in GMT land, so I'm heading to bed. I'll be back to answer Qs and things in the morning.

Edit 5: Ok, responding to questions might be tricky 'cause I woke up to 3k comments. But also, I've noticed a few Monster Book of Monsters comments and wanted to share this commission I had last year. There are a bunch of build photos in my IG highlights if you want to see the process :) Also, lots of people asking about an online store. I used to use Etsy but I've come to like them less and less over time. My portfolio site will always have a link to the currently (in)active store and will be updated with whatever I end up using in future. IG is still the best place to be if you want frequent updates on what I'm working on though.

Edit six: Lots of people asking about making their own. There are dozens of bookbinding tutorials online, there are mimic build photos in my IG highlights, and I'm always happy to answer specific questions via PM if you get stuck on something. I would love to see people making their own for personal use, so long as you don't start selling them!

Edit Sept: OK I'm 1800 comments down the list, firefox is chugging, I can barely see my scrollbar, and reddit has stopped rendering buttons when I try to reply to stuff. I'm throwing in the towel here. You're all lovely people. Except for that one guy who linked to r/ATBGE. I'm watching you.

PugHugUwU on April 27th, 2020 at 19:35 UTC »

Oh, dang, those eyes are terrifyingly realistic. I feel bad for the wizard who thinks it’s a spell book.

pearomatic on April 27th, 2020 at 19:54 UTC »

I don't get it. Those are just regular books. See? Just open it up and...ouch ouch it's biting me!!

They look awesome, I hope the contest goes well. :)