These two areas of Africa have roughly equal populations [OC]

Image from and submitted by LlNES653
image showing These two areas of Africa have roughly equal populations [OC]

LlNES653 on April 26th, 2020 at 22:07 UTC »

It's no surprise that the Sahara has very few people, but surprisingly (to me), the Western half of Africa below the equator also has a very low population density.

Made this using this map:

Imautochillen on April 26th, 2020 at 22:48 UTC »

And a third of the blue one live in one country, D.R. Congo.

Bu11Shit3 on April 26th, 2020 at 23:40 UTC »

East Africa is pretty densely populated though, can you add them up and make a third map?

Edit: not third, also OP is a boss