Conservative media on damage control

Image from and submitted by henway234
image showing Conservative media on damage control

TheNightShift00 on April 26th, 2020 at 14:05 UTC »

This whole thing has been hysterical. Trump said something astonishingly stupid, his cult jumps to his defense shaming leftist for not going with the most charitable interpretation possible saying there's no way he meant what he literally said. Then, the next day, Trump comes out and explains the leftist understanding was correct, but JK, it was totally a prank bro. He completely hung his followers out to dry, inadvertently exposing them for the mindless lapdogs they all are.

slippy204 on April 26th, 2020 at 14:35 UTC »

‘how is the left so dumb’ am i misinterpreting this or do they actually think the leftists are the ones drinking bleach just because trump said they should?

Vincesteeples on April 26th, 2020 at 15:10 UTC »

Yeah dumbasses he said we should inject it not drink it, smh

Edit: trumpers in this thread: “noooo you idiot he didn’t tell people to inject themselves with Lysol, he said we should have doctors research a way to inject patients with Lysol!” and then they totally disregard that he said he was just kidding the next day.

Uhhhh yeah that’s way better