The Daily Populous

Friday April 3rd, 2020 morning edition

image for Opinion | Jared Kushner Is Going to Get Us All Killed

Michael Koplow of the centrist Israel Policy Forum described Kushner’s plan for the Palestinian economy as “the Monty Python version of Israeli-Palestinian peace.”.

Now, in our hour of existential horror, Kushner is making life-or-death decisions for all Americans, showing all the wisdom we’ve come to expect from him.

“Mr. Kushner’s early involvement with dealing with the virus was in advising the president that the media’s coverage exaggerated the threat,” reported The Times.

It was apparently at Kushner’s urging that Trump announced, falsely, that Google was about to launch a website that would link Americans with coronavirus testing.

The president was reportedly furious over the website debacle, but Kushner’s authority hasn’t been curbed.

Disaster response requires discipline and adherence to a clear chain of command, not the move-fast-and-break-things approach of start-up culture.

“Projects are so decentralized that one team often has little idea what others are doing — outside of that they all report up to Kushner,” reported Politico. »

Des masques destinés au Canada détournés vers d'autres pays? | Coronavirus

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Le mois dernier, une cargaison de masques achetée pour le Québec, qui transitait par l'Europe, serait étrangement arrivée plus petite que prévu.

Ça nous est arrivé à nous aussi , rapporte une source bien au fait des approvisionnements du Canada en Chine.

Elle évoque un pays européen, mais Radio-Canada n'a pas été en mesure de confirmer l'identité de cet État. »

'Mad Men' is a Beautiful Slow Burn

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Mad Men is a unique show to binge-watch because of its slow burn pace, spending most of its time subtly laying the groundwork for impending personal disasters and focusing on small details with big meanings.

Hamm does a brilliant job portraying Don’s various failed attempts at finding happiness, stability, and self-acceptance.

Pour yourself a scotch on the rocks, put on your best suit and settle in with Sterling Cooper & Partners for a tumultuous decade-long journey. »

Amber Heard's P.I. couldn't dig up dirt on Johnny Depp

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A private investigator Amber Heard’s lawyers hired to rake through her ex-husband Johnny Depp’s life has revealed he couldn’t find a lot of dirt on the beloved movie star.

The former couple has been at war ever since Heard filed for divorce in 2016, accusing Depp of abusing her throughout their marriage.

Paul Barresi was hired by Amber’s legal team last summer to find people who Depp allegedly verbally or physically abused – and he came up empty-handed. »

Zoom's security and privacy problems are snowballing

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It looks as if Zoom's security problems are snowballing.

A Princeton computer-science professor, Arvind Narayanan, criticized Zoom for possessing multiple security issues, describing its service as "malware" in a tweet Tuesday.

"The problems aren't new but suddenly everyone is forced to use Zoom," he added in a follow-up. »