Minimum wage IRL

Image from and submitted by jackalooz
image showing Minimum wage IRL

TouchMyBusBecky on March 29th, 2020 at 02:22 UTC »

I can dig this message being sent out, I'm sick of people acting like people working shouldn't be able to live.

film_composer on March 29th, 2020 at 02:22 UTC »

It's actually a little less than minimum wage... $7.25/hour, 2,088 working hours in most years, divided by twelve months = $1,261.50/month. It's splitting hairs, mostly, but I get bothered by the "4 weeks in a month" idea, because it leaves out an entire 4 weeks in the year.

1gramweed2gramskief on March 29th, 2020 at 03:03 UTC »

My conservative cousin texted me the other day and told me he’s done a 180 on his position regarding minimum wage and m4a watching all the grocery store and restaurant workers coming to work and then him realizing that they have to if they want to or not. This is certainly a tragedy but it might just lead to some good.