Dota 7.25

Authored by and submitted by wykrhm

All Pick hero picking has been reworked. It now has 5 rounds, each round Radiant and Dire pick 1 hero each at the same time and the selections each team makes is hidden until the next round. If a duplicate pick occurs, the player who picked it second will be given some extra time to select another hero.

Reworked how hero banning works in All Pick. Previously half of the voted heroes would get banned. Now each ban has a 50% chance of succeeding. If there are less than 10 heroes banned, heroes will automatically roll for banning based on their ban rate at your MMR bracket.

Power Runes initially spawn at 4 minutes now (subsequent spawns are still every 2 minutes)

Power Runes no longer spawn on both sides of the map at 40 minutes

Removed the team based rubber band mechanic for hero kills (formula reworked and simplified below)

- NWRankingFactor = 1.6 -> 0.4 based on the killer's NW rank within the team

- NWPoorFactor = 1.2->0.6 based on the victims NW rank within their team

- ComebackFactor = 1 if the team is behind, 0 if ahead

1 Hero: NWPoorFactor* NWRankingFactor * ( 126 + 4.5 * VictimLevel + ComebackFactor * ( VictimNetWorth * 0.026 + 70) / 1 ) )

2 Hero: NWPoorFactor* NWRankingFactor * ( 63 + 3.6 * VictimLevel + ComebackFactor * ( VictimNetWorth * 0.026 + 70) / 2 ) )

3 Hero: NWPoorFactor* NWRankingFactor * ( 31.5 + 2.7 * VictimLevel + ComebackFactor * ( VictimNetWorth * 0.026 + 70) / 3 ) )

4 Hero: NWPoorFactor* NWRankingFactor * ( 22.5 + 1.8 * VictimLevel + ComebackFactor * ( VictimNetWorth * 0.026 + 70) / 4 ) )

5 Hero: NWPoorFactor* NWRankingFactor * ( 18 + 0.9 * VictimLevel + ComebackFactor * ( VictimNetWorth * 0.026 + 70) / 5 ) )

Hero kill sprees gold bounty increased from 60->480 to 200->690

Hero kill sprees xp bounty increased from 400->1800 to 500->2040

Captain's Mode now has ban counts per phase changed from 3/2/1 to 4/1/1

Random Draft hero pool reduced from 50 to 40

Radiant Ancient creeps are now easier to stack

Tier 1 neutral item drop rates increased from 10 to 14%

Fountain attack damage increased from 275 to 300

Neutral creep Ice Armor slow reduced from 30 to 25

Neutral creep Ice Armor armor reduced from 6 to 5

Illusion rune now has similar cast mechanics as Manta (shuffle, dispel, dodge)

BeReborn on March 17th, 2020 at 18:56 UTC »

Added Scepter ability, Gobble Up. Allows you to swallow an allied creep or hero and spit it towards enemies, stunning enemies in the area for 1.5 seconds and leaving a glob on the floor dealing 100 DPS for 3 seconds. Units can stay in his belly up to 3 seconds.

Snapfire Airlines incoming

embergod1 on March 17th, 2020 at 18:29 UTC »

TOWN PORTAL SCROLL Cost increased from 50 to 90

BOOTS OF TRAVEL No longer has an active Upgrades Town Portal Scroll while equipped. Reduces its cooldown to 40 seconds, allows it to target units, and does not consume a charge on usage. Movement speed increased from 32/35% to 38/44%


SniperNumber3 on March 17th, 2020 at 18:28 UTC »

Jesus Christ, the TP shortage DID increase the price!