Bernie on cover of Newsweek

Image from and submitted by SuperKeith88
image showing Bernie on cover of Newsweek

OtherAcctWasBanned11 on March 17th, 2020 at 11:22 UTC »

Is Bernie right about Medicare for all?

Short answer: YES!

Long answer: I have worked in the healthcare sector as a coder/biller for almost a decade. I have dealt with every insurance company you can think of; public, private, union, etc.. I can say with confidence that Medicare is the easiest one I have ever dealt with. They rarely deny claims, their appeals process takes a while but isn’t complicated, procedures and medications rarely need preauthorization. They are a dream to deal with compared to the corporate bureaucracies at United, BCBS, Cigna, Aetna, etc. that specifically designed to screw patients and doctors.

SyruporSyrup on March 17th, 2020 at 12:00 UTC »

I suspect a lot of mainstream dems are actually resentful that Bernie has been so right for so long. Somehow that is a mark against him, because it makes them feel inadequate, and they don't want to face their own role in supporting the drug war, homophobia, the Middle East wars, NAFTA, etc. Biden has evolved with them, and now promises to be better. But he won't go too far like that crazy leftist who has been proven right every single fucking time.

New__World__Man on March 17th, 2020 at 12:53 UTC »

The text in the bottom-right corner is infuriating, though, because Bernie isn't proposing government-run healthcare; he's proposing government-run insurance, which is totally different.

The fact that after M4A has been in the public discourse for 5 years the media still can't get basic facts about it correct is really annoying.