One of the best responses to a "CoRoNa WoNt kIlL mE So WhY sHoUlD i CaRe??" comment Ive seen yet.

Image from and submitted by _ZR_
image showing One of the best responses to a "CoRoNa WoNt kIlL mE So WhY sHoUlD i CaRe??" comment Ive seen yet.

MrTomDawson on March 12nd, 2020 at 14:00 UTC »

It's not really about YOU at all. Nothing is.

Damn, talk about putting the final nail in the coffin.

Paul_Molotov on March 12nd, 2020 at 14:36 UTC »

I interacted with someone in our local kids clothes/toys consignment sellers group yesterday morning right after MA declared state of emergency in a thread about whether our spring sale for next week would be cancelled. Someone who has "studied virology for almost 10 years" and subscribes to anti-vax and anti-cell tower theories chimed in that you were "more likely to get hit by lightning than die from coronavirus," totally undermining critical discussion of transmission rates. I mean.. maybe next week isn't a great time for us to all swap clothes and toys with everyone else in the community? maybe wait a month?

Edit: the sale has been postponed with consideration of the high risk people in our community.

TooDustyToSauce on March 12nd, 2020 at 14:47 UTC »

Young people are more likely to carry to virus without noticeable symptoms when first contracted. If anything, we, as the younger generations, should be MORE cautious as we are more likely to spread it.