Joe Walsh: 'I'd rather have a socialist in the White House than a con man'

Authored by and submitted by Alec122
image for Joe Walsh: 'I'd rather have a socialist in the White House than a con man'

Former presidential candidate Joe Walsh Joe WalshLimbaugh on Buttigieg: 'America's still not ready to elect a gay guy kissing his husband on the debate stage' Bill Weld secures one Iowa delegate in longshot primary challenge to Trump Pence to make swing through New Hampshire on eve of primary MORE criticized fellow Republicans who labeled themselves as “never Trump” for considering a vote for President Trump Donald John TrumpTrump suggests Sotomayor, Ginsburg should have to recuse themselves on 'Trump related' cases Sanders says idea he can't work with Republicans is 'total nonsense' Sanders releases list of how to pay for his proposals MORE if Sen. Bernie Sanders Bernie SandersSanders says idea he can't work with Republicans is 'total nonsense' Sanders defends Castro comments in wake of backlash from some Democrats Sanders releases list of how to pay for his proposals MORE (I-Vt.) is the Democratic 2020 nominee.

Walsh, a former Illinois congressman, wrote in a Washington Post op-ed Tuesday that he’d “rather have a socialist in the White House than a con man.”

He went on to chide his fellow "never Trump" party members for what he sees as their wavering stances.

"Some of my Republican and ex-Republican brethren have started implying that what never-Trump actually meant was something more like: fingers-crossed-I-really-really-hope-not-Trump-but-I-guess-sometimes-Trump if Democrats wind up nominating a self-described democratic socialist," he wrote. "But that’s not how this works."

But Walsh, who attempted to take on Trump in the Republican primary, said he sympathizes with those who do not want Sanders to be in the White House, with a personal caveat.

“If it were up to me, Sanders isn’t the guy I’d put in charge,” he wrote. “But when I finally came around to saying, ‘never Trump,’ I meant it.”

Walsh, however, said those who designated themselves as “never Trump” should “suck it up and support his Democratic opponent, no matter who that is,” promising to campaign for Sanders if he is the nominee.

“Lots of politicians stink, and people hold their noses and vote for them, anyway,” he wrote. “But if you’ve already gone on record as a never-Trumper, and now you’re saying that you’ll vote for Trump because you don’t like the alternative, you’re not holding your nose, you’re inhaling deeply.”

The former congressman dropped out of the presidential race against Trump earlier this month after receiving only 1 percent of the vote in the Iowa caucuses.

Concerns surrounding Sanders, who is a self-described democratic socialist, have surfaced in recent weeks as the Vermont progressive has become the front-runner in the race to win Democratic presidential nomination. Sanders currently has 45 delegates after winning Nevada and New Hampshire and coming in second in Iowa by an extremely thin margin.

Lawmakers on both sides took issue with Sanders’s comments regarding the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro when he said on “60 Minutes” that “it’s unfair to simply say everything is bad” about Castro.

AttorneyAtBirdLaw24 on February 25th, 2020 at 20:38 UTC »

Say what you will but we need people like him saying shit like this. It helps bring in people who otherwise wouldn’t vote for Bernie.

Skooma_Lite on February 25th, 2020 at 20:25 UTC »

You know, my expectations are so low for these people that I'll take this and be happy with it.

mafco on February 25th, 2020 at 20:22 UTC »

Or even a Democratic Socialist.