One year ago I shared my highest resolution picture of our moon. Last night I created an improved version, combining 140,000 pictures. 400 megapixel full resolution linked in the comments. [OC]

Image from and submitted by ajamesmccarthy
image showing One year ago I shared my highest resolution picture of our moon. Last night I created an improved version, combining 140,000 pictures. 400 megapixel full resolution linked in the comments. [OC]

ajamesmccarthy on February 2nd, 2020 at 00:00 UTC »

To see all the shots I've taken in the year since the original image, come check out my instagram. I share the behind the scenes on these posts, so you can see what goes into making a super high-res image of the moon.

A year ago I shared this 81 megapixel image of the moon. The response was absolutely overwhelming. I was still a very amateur photographer when I took that picture, and I've learned a lot since then, so I took this picture last night while the moon was in a similar phase to attempt to show how my experience has allowed me to improve on these shots. Here it is in full 400 megapixels.

This image was taken by using a telescope at 5000mm, and shooting a small section of the moon at a time. Each section was taken by recording a video of 2000 frames, and then stacking and sharpening each frame individually, then combining 70 tiles to create a mosaic of the lit side of the moon, which was then combined with multiple shots from another camera that captured color, stars, and earthshine. For more info about the equipment used to take this and other deep space images-check out this video I made walking through it.

Stache21 on February 2nd, 2020 at 00:02 UTC »

What’s with the blue coloration in the center?

Very impressive!

Arahonoj on February 2nd, 2020 at 00:28 UTC »

You know its gonna be a good picture when you click on it and your computer freezes for 30s.