Our neighbors let kids cut through their lawn to take a short cut to school and even shovel a little path to make it easier. Such a small thing but so appreciated! Thanks neighbor bros!

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Eliza_Swain
image showing Our neighbors let kids cut through their lawn to take a short cut to school and even shovel a little path to make it easier. Such a small thing but so appreciated! Thanks neighbor bros!

PaulClifford on January 29th, 2020 at 00:42 UTC »

That's excellent. When I was in high school our bus stop was in front of this old Victorian house with a big porch. Like many high school students, using an umbrella was unthinkable. When it rained, a dozen of us would simply wait on the porch. We never saw the owner and they never said anything. It was only when I was older that I realized that everyone might not be cool about something like that. Waiting on the porch has to be worse than simply being on someone's lawn. Thanks, bus stop house people. You were the best.

saetum on January 29th, 2020 at 01:23 UTC »

That's so nice! I remember being nine and my neighbor yelling at me walking on her lawn that was covered with snow. I asked if she expected me to walk in the street (no sidewalks). She said yes, walk in the street.

A couple years later she died and I told her family I was sad and they gave me all of her costume jewelery.

AlfieHitchcock on January 29th, 2020 at 01:55 UTC »

We do this for our neighbor's cat.

Yes we're weirdos. It's just a such a sweet, old cat.