Bob Par in The Incredibles (2004) has most of his cubical taken up by a pillar which is why it's so cramped, I can't believe I never noticed this before

Image from and submitted by pizzaazzip
image showing Bob Par in The Incredibles (2004) has most of his cubical taken up by a pillar which is why it's so cramped, I can't believe I never noticed this before

samtothebam on January 21st, 2020 at 19:44 UTC »

Pillar? Thats a fucking silo

j5allen on January 21st, 2020 at 20:40 UTC »

I’m now realizing this is the scene I watched as a kid that made me terrified of the mundaneness of an office job

Sheds_ on January 21st, 2020 at 21:45 UTC »

I’ve always liked how the last name Par was chosen for his alter-ego since par in golf is average amongst professionals.