
Image from and submitted by choccohomunculus
image showing Seriously.

Gameboywarrior on January 2nd, 2020 at 16:47 UTC »

Republicans love him because he is an immature bully, not inspite of it. He gave them permission to be their worst selves and they love him for it and will never abandon him for it.

ButtholeBanquet on January 2nd, 2020 at 16:50 UTC »

His supporters cheered him for that. They loved it. Why? Because that's who they really are.

They know they hate minorities, and blacks, and Jews, and Muslis, and liberals, and feminists, and atheists, and the disabled. They know this. They know it and they don't feel bad for doing it.

What they hate is being made to feel bad about it by others people. They hate liberals/Dems/college-educated people, etc for making them being ashamed of their dislike of people. They don't see anything wrong with it.

Of course, they're smart enough to realize they can't openly say it because they might incur some social price. So they cloak it. They say "I'm not politically correct. I hate liburals and democRATS who are!" etc.

In Trump they found someone who isn't afraid to say he hates the people they hate. They say someone exactly as disgusting as they are.

That's why they love him.

9998000 on January 2nd, 2020 at 18:59 UTC »

"Russia please hack..."

This was the first impeachable act.

I don't understand how the Republicans can go out in the daylight after the election.