I (18F) got the HPV vaccine...

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by apenney4urthots
image showing I (18F) got the HPV vaccine...

apenney4urthots on January 2nd, 2020 at 22:03 UTC »

Some context: My parents are divorced due to my mom leaving 9 years ago and coming in and out of my siblings and I’s lives whenever she wanted. She has a history of being manipulative and has lied to me several times before. Also, I stuck up for myself which I never do so I’m proud of myself.

EDIT: Silver!! Thank you so much!

NoJudgementTho on January 2nd, 2020 at 22:05 UTC »

There's plenty of research, just not sanctioned by her "Mommy," FB groups. And who needs medical school? She has Google and "mother's intuition!"

laarg on January 2nd, 2020 at 23:05 UTC »

Hey OP- I had to have a part of my cervix removed because the HPV vaccine didn't exist when I was your age. Many of my friends have had to go through the same, or we've had to go through multiple colposcopies and/or trans vaginal ultrasounds.

Get the shot, get the whole cycle. If you need any info on safe sex or sexuality in a non judgement place, I highly recommend scarlateen dot com (not sure if I can link on this sub).