We are on 4 meters of bones, this is the illegal part of Paris Catacombs.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by SurrenderMonkey__
image showing We are on 4 meters of bones, this is the illegal part of Paris Catacombs.

Terra8urSoul on December 20th, 2019 at 13:30 UTC »

Are you just.....walking on them??? The sound that must make gives me a shiver down my spine!!!

teacher3737 on December 20th, 2019 at 14:11 UTC »

I just recently went down the rabbit hole of learning more about this place. It’s so fascinating! Thanks for sharing...post more when you discover more about this strange final resting place for so many!

the_ham_guy on December 20th, 2019 at 14:38 UTC »

One of the greatest experiences of my life was exploring the illegal part of the Paris catacombs.

It was also one of the most dangerous and stupid things Ive ever done, although I would not hesitate to do it again.

For anyone reading this if you ever get a chance to do it I recommend it, HOWEVER make sure you are with someone that knows them well. Make sure you have a map. Make sure you keep track of the path you are taking. It is an underground labyrinth the same size as the full city of Paris with all the entrances and exits closed off.

In other words you don't accidentally find your way out. You ether know exactly where you are and how to get out or you explore the dark endlessly until you die

Edit- ITT everyone wants to prove how "smart" they are by suggesting using rope or keeping the hand on one wall, but like most things on Reddit, people comment on things they have no idea what they are talking about and their solutions only cover the tiny area of the problem they understand. Go explore the catacombs and come back and tell us all how your breadcrumb trail worked out