Biggest piece of shit in the country.

Image from and submitted by cliff_hurtin
image showing Biggest piece of shit in the country.

god_of_sparkles on December 16th, 2019 at 16:15 UTC »

Should we go ahead and just change the name of this sub to “US politics shitpost”?

Every day there’s a picture of a bad US politician with “upvote if you want impeachment” or “upvote if you think this wildly unpopular person is bad”

At this point I would be happy with something either worldly or news. We can start with half.

leSanoi on December 16th, 2019 at 16:56 UTC »

Which country? This is worldpolitics

Dotaproffessional on December 16th, 2019 at 18:14 UTC »

Listen, I'm not one of those "its an american story so it has no business in world politics" guys because certain things like foreign election interference is a story of global interest. But a post about a specific american senator? One with limited impact on foreign affairs? now if the post was referencing a specific piece of legislature that affected other countries (something having to do with nato or immigration or something) then maybe, but just a meme of a us senator? that doesn't jive with this sub man