Wtf is wrong with people?!

Image from and submitted by chafo40
image showing Wtf is wrong with people?!

Rhoderick on December 16th, 2019 at 02:56 UTC »

The name "Alex Jones" ought to be cursed the same as the name "Andrew Wakefield". Both have lied to people, both have claimed legitimacy trough a profession and irreperably dirtied those professions in the process, all for their own gain.

The levels some people will stoop to in search of profit astound me again and again.

Emergency_Elephant on December 16th, 2019 at 04:34 UTC »

You know I've heard the theory that the reason that there are so many people who believe/believed the "Sandy Hook hoax theory" (besides Alex Jones-I'm talking about why people believed him) is because a horrific event where small children are murdered is very hard to deal with and accept. The idea is so difficult to deal with that it's easier for some people to pretend it was all fake and all actors.

I'm not saying that it justifies harassing the families and survivors of this tragic event. Please don't think that. That was just absolutely vile

inagartenofeden on December 16th, 2019 at 05:38 UTC »

This is a lawyer talking to Paul Joseph Watson who worked with Alex Jones. This just came out a few days ago as part of a lawsuit against Jones ( who of course promoted the whole Sandy Hook was fake conspiracy theory)

Bankston: I want to talk a little bit about Alex Jones and what he thinks is a false flag. So you’re aware Alex Jones has said 911 is a false flag, right?

Watson: I’m aware that he said that, yes.

Bankston: You’re aware that he said Columbine was a false flag?

Watson: Yeah.

Bankston: You’re aware that he said Oklahoma City was a false flag?

Watson: Yeah.

Bankston: You’re aware he said the Aurora shooting was a false flag.

Watson: Yeah.

Bankston: You’re aware that he said the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords was a staged, mind-control operation, correct?

Watson: Yeah.

Bankston: He said the Boston bombing was a false flag.

Watson: Correct.

Bankston: He said there were — there were tweets on — from Infowars on Twitter saying that the Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida was a false flag, correct?

Watson: I don’t know about the specific term, but yes. Generally speaking, yes.

Bankston: The November 2017 church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, Mr. Jones said that was a false flag.

Watson: I don’t recall him saying that, but I presume it’s possible, yes.

Bankston: The Las Vegas mass shooting, Mr. Jones said was a false flag.

Watson: Yes.

Bankston: Can you give me an example of a US mass casualty event, like a mass shooting, a bombing, or the like that Mr. Jones didn’t say was a false flag?

Watson: I would say that the most recent ones post Las Vegas massacre, maybe the debates in Ohio shooting, the El Paso shooting. Again, I don’t know for sure, but I think after the Las Vegas one, he was more reticent to call them false flags.

Bankston: After I sued him, right?