While filming Schindler's List, director Steven Spielberg made it mandatory for the cast to appear in grey at all times. One little girl failed to comply, wearing a red coat during shooting. She was later executed by Spielberg himself, her body displayed as a warning for all remaining crew members.

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by BurningBernie559
image showing While filming Schindler's List, director Steven Spielberg made it mandatory for the cast to appear in grey at all times. One little girl failed to comply, wearing a red coat during shooting. She was later executed by Spielberg himself, her body displayed as a warning for all remaining crew members.

NoHonourAmongThieves on December 14th, 2019 at 06:14 UTC »

As we all know, Steven takes no prisoners

kori_a on December 14th, 2019 at 06:36 UTC »

To his advantage she wore red, thus hiding any visible blood

AdvocateSaint on December 14th, 2019 at 07:52 UTC »

Ralph Fiennes played Amon Goeth so convincingly that one of the surviving Schindler Jews who was brought on set started trembling

The same thing happened to a survivor of the Wizarding World War when they saw him play Voldemort