Adding that icon is going to take 3 weeks.

Image from and submitted by neupanedinesh_
image showing Adding that icon is going to take 3 weeks.

ChrisFromIT on November 28th, 2019 at 12:04 UTC »

Hackathons, where you learn the true meaning of technical debt.

Turksarama on November 28th, 2019 at 12:38 UTC »

90% of development time is testing. Want to release software quickly? Just don't test!

all_hail_cobra on November 28th, 2019 at 14:20 UTC »

Fill a change request on the project.

Have the UI/UX team involved so they can tell you the icon's meaning is not clear enough for a regular user so they'll make you a new one.

Actually add the new icon (30 seconds).

Deploy in the dev environment.

Update the test documentation.

Have QA test the app.

Update the app documentation and screenshots.

Deploy in prod environment.

Fill your timesheet with the project code.