For anyone else needing a reminder or some encouragement 🌱❤️

Image from and submitted by DougJudyBK99
image showing For anyone else needing a reminder or some encouragement 🌱❤️

lebrown11 on November 13rd, 2019 at 02:40 UTC »

Best thing I found when hearing the famous line ''I could never be vegan because I like too much meat/bacon/eggs/dairy/etc'' is to answer with:

''Don't underestimate yourself''

If you say something like ''so you like hurting animals for taste?'' or ''come on your an adult'' it can come off as aggressive and can turn people off veganism. By using ''don't underestimate yourself'', first they won't feel attacked because it's indirect and second, your not attacking their personnal choice but their self-esteem.

So there is a better chance they think ''it's true, I can do this''.

But from experience there are some that reply ''Well actually I don't want to be vegan'' but those are hypocrites for saying they could never be vegan because X reasons.

Sorry for bad english

mar_dain on November 13rd, 2019 at 04:43 UTC »

Cut out the rest and you may actually lose the taste for those as well.

stefan-ingewikkeld on November 13rd, 2019 at 06:11 UTC »

That is exactly what I did. Cheese was just too jummy. But then I found Violife, and that was the first vegan cheese brand that I felt was so good that I didn't need cheese either.