Oh the irony

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by lollipopmadness3
image showing Oh the irony

zeca1486 on November 12nd, 2019 at 19:48 UTC »

Venezuela’s economy is 70% privatized which is the opposite of socialism.

draypresct on November 12nd, 2019 at 20:26 UTC »

As OP noted, it wasn't a grocery store. They also weren't 'pushing socialism', as some versions have claimed.

On a more relevant note, you can contribute here, if you'd like:


ScienticianAF on November 12nd, 2019 at 21:07 UTC »

Why are Republicans always pushing so hard against socialism? There are not many countries left that are strictly socialist. A lot of European countries are very wealthy AND capitalist.

I moved from the Netherlands to the U.S and I get this question all the time. We have social programs but that's not socialism.. For crying out loud we pretty much started capitalism. Wallstreet was direct result of the Dutch defending New York (new Amsterdam) against the British.