Seems like a fun workplace

Image from and submitted by PapayaSF
image showing Seems like a fun workplace

ntengineer on October 30th, 2019 at 19:27 UTC »

I worked for a company for a while that went through the trouble of having EV chargers installed in the parking lot. We thought, awesome, for those with EVs or Plug in Hybrids. But they were never activated. Why?

Well, the company wanted to give the charging away for free, but wanted it tied to employees only getting it for free. So they wanted to set it up so we had to swipe our security badge to activate the charging. This is not so unique, but...

Then the accounting department said, well wait, if we track who uses it, then we also need to track how much value in electricity they are getting, because then we have to count that as income and they have to pay taxes on it.

So the company had a choice of either giving away free power to anybody who parked there, or taxing the people who used it. The irony of it was, that you couldn't get into the parking structure without a badge, so in theory only employees would be using it.

The charging stations were still unusable when I left the company.

DIES-_-IRAE on October 30th, 2019 at 20:00 UTC »

That's the kind of job where you put in exactly the amount of work you need to do to meet the bare-minimum requirements, and not the smallest quantum more.

TrackLabs on October 30th, 2019 at 20:32 UTC »

Jesus christ...charging a phone is DEAD cheap. Literally a few cents a YEAR. If you charge it EVERY day