I’m still waiting for this....

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by SkidTheDefault
image showing I’m still waiting for this....

Spawn-of-Santa on October 19th, 2019 at 17:49 UTC »

Shit I gotta do the dishes now

TheRealAcSavage on October 19th, 2019 at 18:17 UTC »

You’ve unlocked the ability to open the fridge without permission

eye_snap on October 19th, 2019 at 19:25 UTC »

My best friend when I was growing up, called my dad 'dad'. His parents were divorced and they were never around. They were pretty well off but even though I've been to their house loads of times i'd never seen his parents. He mostly hung around our house. He was thin as a stick and would eat whatever unless my mom made him decent meals. When he got in trouble he'd call my dad to ask for help and my dad made the effort. We didn't even go to the same highschool, when I graduated he came to my graduation decked in a beautiful suit where my dad tied his tie. I still remember the emotions..

The one time I saw his mom was this. His mom had somehow found out from the neighborhood vine our address and came over to meet my parents and tell my parents that she didnt want his son hanging out with me anymore. I came home one day to this strange lady I didn't know talking to my mother saying "I'm x's mom and I dont want you guys to hang out anymore".. of course we didnt give a crap. My mom gave some polite platitudes and we all ignored her. But damn, I still dont know what the hell she was thinking.

Years later my friend and I moved to different cities and then different countries. But I still think of him as my brother even though we dont talk as much anymore.