Lion unleashed on Pakistani man for demanding wages

Authored by and submitted by Unkill_is_dill
image for Lion unleashed on Pakistani man for demanding wages

'The caretaker of a religious place kept delaying the payment.'

A caretaker of religious place here unleashed his pet lion on an electrician for demanding wages, recently.

According to the Pakistani media report, a case of attempt to murder has been registered against the caretaker. Though the incident took place on September 9 in the capital of Punjab province, the complaint was lodged just two days ago.

According to the police, electrician Mohammad Rafique didn't file any complaint against Ali Raza, caretaker of congregation hall Sada-e-Imam Hussain, as he had been promised proper treatment of injuries received in the lion attack.

But when Raza refused to get his wounds treated and pay the compensation he had promised, Rafique lodged the complaint, the police said.

Raza had hired Rafique for some work at the congregation hall. When Rafique demanded the wages on the completion of the job, Raza told him to come later. "The caretaker kept delaying the payment. But when Rafique persisted, Raza got annoyed and unleashed his pet lion on him. The lion wounded his face and arm," the police said.

Rafique's cry for help alerted some passers-by and they rescued him from the lion, the police said. A case under section 324 of the Pakistan Penal Code has been lodged against Raza.

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TroubledMang on October 14th, 2019 at 16:58 UTC »

Who the hell owns a pet lion, and can sick them on people.

Who the hell gets attacked by someone's pet lion and only reports because he doesn't get reimbursed.

Something tells me that there's a lot a stuff going down in Pakistan lol.

SkyPork on October 14th, 2019 at 16:42 UTC »

So .... what department are the lions in? You'd think human resources, but they're not human, so ....?

ash_274 on October 14th, 2019 at 16:01 UTC »

Electrician did work at a religious site. Was promised to get paid when work was complete

Completed the work but when he asked for his pay, the caretaker kept saying to come back later.

After a few times the caretaker got annoyed and let his pet lion attack the electrician. Others came to his rescue.

Caretaker promised to take care of his medical care costs.

(Big shock) He didn’t, so the electrician finally went to the police.