
Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by raydikoste
image showing 2meirl4meirl

Shrizer on September 15th, 2019 at 08:43 UTC »

Maybe shotgun in the east hallway is codeword for my crippling anxiety?

ElitistPopulist on September 15th, 2019 at 09:56 UTC »

Lol you guys have relationships?

OllieGingerBread on September 15th, 2019 at 10:27 UTC »

Which is easier to reply to? "Sniper East 200 meters"


"I'm sorry I haven't been talking lately, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm ignoring you. I wouldn't ignore you, I've just had some things going on. I feel like I'm an awful person and I disappoint myself everyday, I avoid mirrors because when I see myself I ask myself what went wrong, why am I the way I am. What happened to the happy kid excited for the future and who like who he was. I'm scared I'm losing those around me but I feel constantly drained, numb and lost which has left me to tired to chase those I care about. Instead of chasing people I'm growing further away from I just convince myself that they would be better without me and that I don't deserve them. I haven't spoken much lately because I don't see why you would want to talk to me. You must see me to be different then I really am and I'm worried you will see who I really am, you will see the disappointment I see everyday and go. I don't want to lose yoku but I could not live with myself if I was the reason you went so it's easier for me to distance myself from you to help you go. I hate the fact that I'm this way but I don't know how to change. Even compliments people say to me mean nothing, it's like when people say something kind my brain ignores it. It's like a valve that closes all the compliments and kind words out and let's the sadness that I already have to grow. I don't care about myself enough to change, I just care about you to the extent that I don't want you to decline because of me. I'm sorry."