What percentage of people are in the labor force? [OC]

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image showing What percentage of people are in the labor force? [OC]

draypresct on September 11st, 2019 at 13:16 UTC »

Percentage of all people? Percentage of adults? Percentage of able-bodied adults between the ages of 18-65 who aren't in school?

If it's the former, I suspect that this is strongly inversely correlated with age. Note that Florida has a low percentage; probably because they have a lot of retirees.

TheLongBall on September 11st, 2019 at 14:07 UTC »

Welcome to Delaware, the land of low property taxes and home to many people over the age of 65 who are from higher tax, more northern states.

Roughneck16 on September 11st, 2019 at 14:50 UTC »

Utah has the lowest median age, so it's no surprise it has such a high labor participation rate. However, it also has fewer working women (high fertility means it's more economically viable to be a SAHM rather than pay for daycare.) So I can see that as a mixed bag. The relatively low rate of drug and alcohol consumption and high level of post-secondary education contribute to high employment.

New Mexico has a high population of retirees and also multiple Native American reservations, which are notorious of unemployment and economic hardship.

West Virginia has a high number of drug addicts and laid-off coal miners. In some counties, the common source of income is a disability check. Especially in the southern/rural side of the state, opportunity is drying up and young people are leaving.

Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama are poorer states with high black populations, who have lower employment rates and are historically disproportionately affected by economic downturns.