"Go ahead and cry, I'm here to be with you."

Image from external-preview.redd.it and submitted by tanhan27
image showing "Go ahead and cry, I'm here to be with you."

imhereforthehoesbruh on September 8th, 2019 at 03:31 UTC »

This man was far too pure for this world.

Doodlebug510 on September 8th, 2019 at 04:54 UTC »

Athough the crew of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood rarely talked to Fred off the set, and mercilessly made fun of him behind his back while he was rehearsing with his puppets before each show these same men would sneak into the studio and ask his puppets for personal advice, which Fred kindly gave:

Fred assigned me the task of keeping everyone else off the set until he, or rather the puppets, finished counseling a worker. From a discreet distance, I observed these “tough” men cry and tell the puppets their most secret fears and weaknesses. The men knew on some level, of course, that inside the puppet was the hand of Fred Rogers. The same men who would not talk to Mr. Rogers to his face would bare their souls to his puppet-covered hands!

The genuine concern and compassion Fred expressed through his puppets to these workers was very moving to witness. Later, in public, the same crew members he had counseled continued to ignore Mr. Rogers, as if the puppet encounters had never occurred. And Fred played along with their detached behavior, not giving any sign of personal connection with the workers other than as ordinary members of his crew. However, I did notice that, over time, the men who got the most counseling from the puppets participated less and less in the mocking of their boss behind his back.


KronksPuff on September 8th, 2019 at 06:29 UTC »

In my own experience, when people that tell others to stop crying, the person who's crying usually cries harder and longer after they said that. But the people who comforts them usually might make them cry harder but it's sure as hell shorter. So even if somebody was trying to make someone cry less its more effective to comfort, as just telling them to stop will just make the situation worse.