He's got a point

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by RandomOCL
image showing He's got a point

XHelheimX on September 5th, 2019 at 23:39 UTC »

Imagine if the world today wasn’t sent into the dark ages by religious zealots. Zeus wouldn’t care buddy. He’d approve and then steal yo man.

heyyouweirdo on September 6th, 2019 at 00:01 UTC »

Just wana point out that the bible was used to justify using African slaves, as opposed to other enslaved Europeans (which had a bit of a precedent with indentured servitude) because there are passages talking about how you cannot subjugate your own "tribe" but you can use the captured of other "tribes" as slaves. Also passages like "slave obey your master"

myexguessesmyuser on September 6th, 2019 at 00:26 UTC »

Here's the bottom line truth: God is in the mind of the beholder. If you're a bigot, then guess what? God is a bigot, too. The Bible says man was made in God's image, but in practice, the reverse is true and highly customizable to every human frailty or moral failing.