I hate MyMathLab so much

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by Danknukem
image showing I hate MyMathLab so much

TheSacredRatty on September 5th, 2019 at 00:20 UTC »


adablant on September 5th, 2019 at 01:11 UTC »

Mixed fractions are not widely used on higher level mathematics anymore from the simple fact that they are troubly when it comes to syntaxes/computing.

That fraction can be both interpreted as a mixed fraction at the same time it can be interpreted as a number multiplying a fraction.

Example: higher mathematics you'll almost never see "x equals two and a half" written as a complex fraction but rather x=2.5 in decimals, x=2+(1/2) as binomial or completely fractions x=5/2.

But NEVER x=2(1/2) or x= 2 1/2 because it implies multiplication.

So, this case your proffesor asks one thing (one syntax), but Mathlab works the "correct" way (a most common and less troubly syntax WORLDWIDE).

Source: Am an engineer. Edit: typo

nottilivehadmycoffee on September 5th, 2019 at 01:39 UTC »

I mean, fuck my(Math, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics)Lab and Pearson in general, but you can't do mixed fractions in an equation like this. My calc teacher told us to simplify until you can't. 45/2 would stay 45/2 since it doesn't come to a whole number and everything is based off you not having a calculator to work it out. This kind of problem should (and I mean that loosely) have warned you first it wasn't the right format if it recognized that you were using mixed fractions, but if you said "screw it, this is right" and hit enter 3 more times then yeah, you're wrong.