This woman’s name is Kelly Herron. The text on her T-shirt are the words she screamed at the man who sexually assault her and the squiggly lines represent the GPS route that tracked her assault until she escaped.

Image from and submitted by azgrunt
image showing This woman’s name is Kelly Herron. The text on her T-shirt are the words she screamed at the man who sexually assault her and the squiggly lines represent the GPS route that tracked her assault until she escaped.

truthdoctor on September 4th, 2019 at 04:05 UTC »

She was attacked in a public park during the afternoon which is crazy. This guy should not be allowed out again. She participated in one self defense class 3 weeks earlier. I'm not sure if that made any difference. I think it was the intensity with which she fought back and her determination that saved her along with the stranger. I don't know what the GPS lines add but hey if it helps her get beyond this then more power to her.

gnowbot on September 4th, 2019 at 04:16 UTC »

I had a college classmate who was extremely beautiful. Like, extremely. She attracted a lot of attention and a few times not the good kind - One week she told us about her weekend - walking back to her car a man stuck a gun in her back. He walked her to a car and told her to get in. She felt this was her last chance and she had to take it... so she donkey kicked as hard as she could and tagged him in the balls. Absolutely dropped him and he stayed down long enough that she got some attention and a cop miraculously appeared. Cops said that getting in the car is “you most likely wouldn’t have survived.”

Nethlem on September 4th, 2019 at 05:30 UTC »

4 miles into my long run Sunday afternoon, I stopped to use the restroom and was assaulted by a man hiding in a stall

Wtf, this creep was literally camping public toilets for victims, seriously wtf..