The Planets: Saturn | Season 46 Episode 15 | NOVA

Authored by and submitted by iamveryDerp

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Reginald_Dingleberry on September 2nd, 2019 at 23:20 UTC »

I like Saturn's rings just fine, but I would rather see a velociraptor use a telescope.

Populistless on September 2nd, 2019 at 23:17 UTC »

However, a dinosaur with a telescope COULD have predicted the rings by observing the decaying orbit of the ice moon, then cyrogenically frozen themselves so they could wake up 100 million years later and see them.

This summer, it's Time Traveling T-Rex 2020: Trip to Titan

*edited, although I enjoy the fact that my phone's skepticism of my vocabulary took this thread down a weird route combining science, weed, ice, Snoop Dogg and dinos

iamveryDerp on September 2nd, 2019 at 22:39 UTC »

The popular theory is that the rings are a debris field created when an ice moon got too close to Saturn and was ripped apart by gravity. The ice ring will eventually fall into Saturn itself.