My house used to be a police station and my bathroom is an old jail cell, the original window is still in place

Image from and submitted by rebuffedchaff8
image showing My house used to be a police station and my bathroom is an old jail cell, the original window is still in place

oh_hai_brian on August 28th, 2019 at 21:14 UTC »

That’s got to be a pain to fix your toilet if it has issues

topeagb on August 28th, 2019 at 21:15 UTC »

You need a ladder to flush?

groundhog_day_only on August 28th, 2019 at 22:57 UTC »

OP, I stalked your profile, this house is amazing. More ghost stories!!!

In the cell on the left there was a weird slit in the wall, it's about 4ft high and 2ft wide. My dad shone a torch down there and saw that it opened into a really narrow tunnel and so, as I'm the smallest in my family, I was asked to try and squeeze in there.

I had to crouch so much to get in the slit in the wall, but once i got through i could stand up, although I had to have my back flat against the wall because of how narrow the passage was. I awkwardly side stepped down the tunnel until i couldn't see my dad anymore and it was pitch black. After a minute or two i fell down some steps and into another room.

I opened up the torch on my phone and looked around, the room had a cell window on one wall and the ceiling was made of metal grates with moasaic tiles above them. There was a mound of dirt and sand piled up in the corner opposite the cell window and as I moved over to it i disturbed a nest of bats that flew into my face and out of the passage into my dad. I was spooked as fuck having never seen a bat before, but carried on checking it out. We weren't really sure where this room was in relation to the rest of the house, so i started to knock on the window and my dad went around various points of the house to try and hear me.

Eventually he heard me in a corridor downstairs near the bathroom pictured in this post, and my knocking was coming from behind a cupboard which was filled in. I also sounded like I was a lot further down than my dad.

Anyway, after looking at plans for the house and talking to some local history guys we discovered that the room i was in was actually a victorian solitary confinement cell. The person in there had no light and couldnt really hear anyone else in the jail. Must have been terrifying really.

Since then, we've heard knocks and bangs coming from the cupboard that backs onto the cell. We've put a door on the entrance to make ourselves feel better but it really sounds like there's someone in there, it's terrifying.