Which date format each country uses!

Image from preview.redd.it and submitted by biglezmate
image showing Which date format each country uses!

emij22 on August 21st, 2019 at 17:21 UTC »

I came here as a Canadian not because I wanted to see if the map was correct, but because as an adult, I wanted to know what I was supposed to be doing.

This wasn't particularly helpful.

pepperedmaplebacon on August 21st, 2019 at 18:10 UTC »

As a Canadian all the "As a Canadian" comments here made me cry tears of joy at not being alone in my date confusions. Get Your Fucking Shit Together Canada!!! What a confusing mess, we shame ourselves and make taxes more complicated for no reason.

Cthulhuseye on August 21st, 2019 at 18:36 UTC »

German here: I have never seen Y M D being used in Germany.

Edit: Yes I know it is used in It and databases, but if that was the reason pretty much every other country would have to be a bit Blue as well.