HuffPost is now a part of Oath

Authored by and submitted by dingo8yobb
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southsideson on August 17th, 2019 at 08:59 UTC »

Could be a violation of the FEC, if a corporation is paying these people to attend. $4-500 cost for each worker to be there times thousands of workers, that is a pretty big in kind donation.

GermanDemSoc on August 17th, 2019 at 06:17 UTC »

Your attendance is not mandatory,” one manager told workers, summarizing a memo that Shell sent to union leaders, the Post-Gazette reported, but only those who showed up at 7 a.m., scanned their ID cards and prepared to stand for hours through lunch would be paid.

“No scan, no pay,” workers were warned.

In addition, workers who decided not to listen to the president’s speech reportedly would not be paid overtime rates routinely built in for extra time during the week.

Hm, Trump claimed that protesters against his boofing justice were paid by Soros. And now we're finding out his rallies are filled with people who are basically being paid for it.

What a delight, Mr. President. You might be the one person on this planet who actually adopts the conspiracy theories you yourself spouted.