Business owner slams corporate media for misleading him about Bernie Sanders

Image from and submitted by BCLobbyist
image showing Business owner slams corporate media for misleading him about Bernie Sanders

jenmarya on August 13rd, 2019 at 20:26 UTC »

Rogan’s interview may have been a game changer.

NomNuggetNom on August 13rd, 2019 at 20:59 UTC »

I wish Bernie pushed this economic angle more. The benefit to small businesses would be dramatic and I think that would resonate with a lot of blue collar voters in particular.

TriggasaurusRekt on August 13rd, 2019 at 22:45 UTC »

My grandfather is a small business owner and a lifelong conservative. I asked him about Bernie once and he went on the classic "socialism has never worked" rant. I asked him how much paying for his employee's healthcare was costing him and he said it was a 'significant expense'. Then I asked what he would be able to do with that money if medicare (which he receives) was instead expanded to cover all age groups and he mentioned some projects he'd been wanting to do for awhile but didn't have the extra money to do so. A few months of reflection later and he's fully on board with medicare for all. I don't know if he'll be voting for Bernie (he's said before he doesn't like Trump) but it goes to show that Bernie's ideas are appealing because they just make sense. It doesn't take much thinking to arrive at the conclusion that the way we do healthcare in this country is unnecessarily rapacious and inefficient. Conservatives have to use the same shitty system we do, after all.