it’s true

Image from and submitted by ttv_ItzStriix
image showing it’s true

PuchNoob on August 9th, 2019 at 21:29 UTC »

No matter how hard I try to explain this to my little sister, she still stands her ground saying she wants a baseline Macbook so she can play videogames.

Edit: wow this got popular! Yes, I'm fully aware how much Apple is associated with class and popularity. My sister is definitely 99% influenced by that and no matter how much I impress her with my Android phone and custom built desktop she glorifies Apple. Her main argument is how thin and good looking the laptops look, and how her friends make fun of Android users. I've showed her videos from Louis Rossman to Dave 2d and shown her how bad the baseline CPUs are but she won't budge. It's a lost cause, she even has airpods now and she's only 13 so I've given up.

Also I'm really tired so I'm not going to respond to any other questions, sorry guys. Also no she's not a serious gamer, she only has played Minecraft and Roblox. Basically the average girl who mainly plays mobile games. And yes I let her play on my desktop and let her borrow my laptop, I'm not selfish.

trekxtrider on August 9th, 2019 at 21:56 UTC »

Stand sold separately.

MizchiefKilz on August 9th, 2019 at 23:56 UTC »

assuming it doesn't get thermal throttled before hitting 1.6