
Image from external-preview.redd.it and submitted by 071819-woops
image showing 2meirl4meirl

nymphlotus on August 7th, 2019 at 02:07 UTC »

A stranger on the internet yelled at me once because I called my antidepressants my crazy pills.

ShivasKratom3 on August 7th, 2019 at 04:33 UTC »

I made a joke once. Everyone was going around with dark jokes and I made a suicide one (which was completely in line with everyone else’s rape and dead baby ones). One girl says “I thought about killing myself” que everyone telling me I’m an asshole, despite laughing, and how I can’t get her struggle. I have depression, I’ve attempted suicide. For about a week everyone was shallow to me

Gamerschoice on August 7th, 2019 at 05:38 UTC »

Me: "ugh, I want to yeet myself off of a cliff."

Stranger: "you shouldn't joke about that."

Me: "who's joking?"